Shop-now Web Application detail

Project information

  • Name: Shop-now
  • Category: Fullstack Web Development
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL(github): Github

Shop-Now is an e-commerce's a fully MERN stack Application. Here you can get men,womens & kids products and shop accordingly.

Technologies used

  • Express & node js as a server
  • React js as a Frontend library
  • mongoDb Atlas as a Database

User Manuals:-

One can register/login with their credentials. After that he/she can create their profile, may update his/her billing address and keep shopping. Through the cart section the user can go for checkout and he/she has to pay 5% GST on total billing amount. Click on payment button customer can pay the amount through stripe payment,after payment succeeding will be redirected to order summary page, here customer can print order summary for order reference. Thanks for visit!

Designed by gitsforvikki