Social Profile Web Application detail

Project information

  • Name: Social Profile
  • Category: Fullstack Web Development
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL(github): Github

React social web application is like a professional social media application. it's a fully MERN stack Application.It's a social community of developers, where you can also join.

Technologies used

  • Express & node js as a server
  • React js as a Frontend library
  • mongoDb Atlas as a Database

User Manuals:-

One can register/login with their credentials. After that he/she can create their profile.User can also share his/her job experience and Education details. If user wish, He can also make some post,like ,dislike and delete the same. User can also visit the others post like, dislike and make some comment on it. Thanks for visit!

Designed by gitsforvikki